Success Starts Early!
Posted on May 5 2022Click on the link to check out the Kindergarten event! Success Starts Early!
Click on the link to check out the Kindergarten event! Success Starts Early!
Please take a few minutes to provide your input, by answering these four questions about the Numeracy support in BRSD. The survey is open until May 20. Numeracy Survey
May Superintendent's Message
Ranch Camp Notes
English Language Learners
Check out what's happening with summer school! Summer School Letter
Are you registered for your MyAlberta Digital ID yet? You will need your basic MyAlberta Digital ID account to apply for most Alberta post-secondary programs, MyTradesecrets, Alberta Student Funding and…
Glover International Trucks in Camrose is looking for a Heavy Equipment Technician RAP student in grade 10 or 11. The position will start in the fall of 2022 but possibly earlier if the right candidate…
Please take a few minutes to provide your input, by answering these three questions about the literacy support in BRSD. The survey is open until April 22. Literacy Survey
April Superintendent's Message
Looking for contractors to mow the grass at the school. Tenders are being accepted until 2 p.m. on Friday, April 8. Here's the link for more information.
Click on the link and check out the Purdy's fundraiser!
Superintendent's March Message
This year due to flooding in BC our DeSimone Farms fruit sale fundraiser will not be able to take place. This year our Secondary will be doing Mom’s Pantry as our online fundraiser. The link to…
As part of the Battle River School Division Assurance process, we would like to invite you to participate in a survey being sent to you through an email. Results from this survey will be used to inform planning at…
Enjoy the wonderful performances by our Viking School students!
WOW! 848 items collected!
Welcome to our new PowerSchool Parent Portal where you will have access to real-time assessment regarding your child's learning. In this folder you will find written instructions as well as video tutorials…
PowerSchool Parent Portal Access Link