Superintendents Message to Parents - Nov 8, 2021
Posted on November 8 2021Superintendents Message To Parents - Nov 8, 2021
Superintendents Message To Parents - Nov 8, 2021
Congratulations to all our 2020-2021 Award recipients. Thank you to Mr. Edey for all your work putting together tonight's video. Have a safe and relaxing long weekend.
Community calendars are once again being sold by grade 6 students to help cover the cost of attending Ranch Camp. If you have purchased one in the past, expect to receive a phone call from a grade…
BRSD board has voted to make a slight change to the 2021-2022 school calendar to honour the newly created National Truth and reconciliation day. September 30 will be a no school day to reflect this change. …
Message to Parents from Dr. Rita Marler Please read the Viking School "Welcome back Bulletin" as we welcome kids back to the 2021-2022 school year. There are links to BRSD Back to School plan (lays out Viking School's…
We wish everyone a wonderful summer! We can't wait to see you back on September 7th, 2021 for another year of excellence. We will be back in the office accepting registrations for the new year school…
Parent message June 28th
Chief Medical Officer Communication June 2021
Grade 9 Students and Parents: For anyone that missed it, click the link below for the recording of our High School Orientation that took place on Thursday June 3.
Parent Letter
Our annual High School Orientation for Grade 9 students and parents will take place on June 3rd at 7 pm via Google Meet. Mr. Madsen will be meeting with the Grade 9 class during the last week of May…
Plant Sellers may now schedule their plant pick-up time using the link below or by calling the school. Pick-up will be from 1pm - 6pm on Wednesday May 19th
Plant sale pick-up will be taking place as planned on May 19th. More details, including how to schedule your pick up time, will be shared on Monday May 17th
Dear Viking School Families We have been informed by Alberta Health Services that, due to the number of COVID cases connected to us, Viking School has been given “Outbreak” status (5 to 9 cases)…
May 11- Message to Viking School Families
Message to Parents - May 3
COVID Parent Letter May 1, 2021
April 30th Parent letter
Dear Parents / Guardians of BRSD students. We would like to hear your thoughts on how our literacy and numeracy programs are supporting student success. As well, we would value your suggestions on student…