Staff Directory


Photo of Tracy Doerksen

Mrs. Tracy Doerksen


Teaching Staff

Photo of Jana Arndt

Jana Arndt


Photo of Julie Chichak

Julie Chichak

Grade 4-8 Math Grade 5/6 ELA/Social/Math

Photo of Candice Doucette

Candice Doucette

Grade 4-6 ART, Grade 7-9 Health

Photo of Lana Golka

Lana Golka

Grade 2

Photo of Trudy Josephison

Trudy Josephison

Grade 7/8 ELA ,Social & Options, Grade 5/6 Science

Photo of Malinka	​ Kerr

Malinka ​ Kerr

Athletic Director/Phys.Ed/Secondary Social Studies

Photo of Brian Lindberg

Brian Lindberg

Jr/Sr ELA/CTS-Foods

Photo of Duncan MacGillivray

Duncan MacGillivray

CTS/Junior High

placeholder image for Leann Ogrodnick

Leann Ogrodnick

Grade 1​

placeholder image for Shelby Roth

Shelby Roth

placeholder image for Lori	​ Sarafinchan

Lori ​ Sarafinchan

French 4-12/Health

placeholder image for Marlene Taylor

Marlene Taylor

Grade 3

placeholder image for Justina Nielsen

Justina Nielsen

Grade 4 & Biology

Support Staff

Photo of Nora​ Bird

Nora​ Bird

Learning Commons Facilitator/Educational Assistant

Photo of Veronica​ Hafso

Veronica​ Hafso

Learning Commons Facilitator/Educational Assistant

Photo of MaryAnn Newby

MaryAnn Newby

​Head Administrative Assistant

Educational Assistants

placeholder image for Cody Hogman

Cody Hogman

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Suzanne Jakubec

Suzanne Jakubec

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Debbie Shaver

Debbie Shaver

Educational Assistant

Photo of Debbie Snider

Debbie Snider

Educational Assistant

Contact Staff Member