Behavior Matrix

Respect and Responsibility in a Welcoming and Caring School Community


  • All students have the right to be safe and secure in school; with this right comes the responsibility to respect the rights of those around them.
  • Positive student achievement and success is a shared responsibility between students, staff, and parents.
  • Promoting a safe and caring school requires support and assistance of all members of the school community.

Viking School strives to develop, foster, and enhance an environment based on mutual respect and responsibility in a welcoming and caring school community. It is our goal to be a school which:

  • Respects each person's worth and dignity
  • Is orderly and purposeful
  • Fosters caring and peaceful relationships for all
  • Shows understanding and sensitivity to individual differences and opinions
  • Is free from the threat of physical and psychological harm
  • Promotes healthy actions, interactions, and traditions

Viking School Staff is committed to:

  • Creating and maintaining a welcoming and caring school environment
  • Establishing a learning environment where everyone feels physically, psychologically, socially, and emotionally safe and secure
  • Being respectful of the dignity and worth of students, parents, colleagues, and community
  • Establishing a positive professional relationship with students and others that is characterized by mutual trust and respect, allowing for individual differences and perspectives
  • Consistently encouraging and recognizing appropriate behavior, contributions, and achievements
  • Being passionate about teaching, professional growth, and student success
  • Encouraging on-going communication between staff and parents and providing opportunities for active and constructive parental involvement in the education of their children
  • Providing opportunities for meaningful student input in decisions that directly affect them and their learning
  • Demonstrating responsible professional behavior and respect for all
  • Enhancing teaching practices to better meet individual student needs and improve student learning and success
  • Following the guidelines in the Professional Code of Conduct
  • Fostering an atmosphere where every student feels that they have an adult advocate and a healthy sense of belonging
  • Enabling smooth transitions for students within and between schools

Viking School Students are committed to:

  • Demonstrating responsibility and respect to self, others, and to property
  • Complying with the guidelines of the Viking School Code of Respect and Responsibility
  • *Being diligent in pursuing their studies
  • *Attending school regularly and punctually
  • *Co-operating fully with everyone authorized by the Board to provide education programs and other services
  • *Complying with the rules of the school
  • *Being accountable to staff for their conduct
  • *Respecting the rights of others

(* From Section 12 of the School Act)

Viking School Parents are committed to:

  • Reviewing with their children the school's expectations for student behavior and conduct
  • Working co-operatively with school staff to resolve behavioral and other issues that may arise and that involve their children
  • Communicating with all members of the school community in a manner that reflects and fosters mutual respect
  • Supporting the school in the enforcement of expectations, policies, and regulations
  • Communicating with school staff about matters related to their children's conduct, discipline, and academic achievement and success
  • Ensuring their children attend school regularly and punctually
  • Following appropriate lines of communication when issues arise (teacher first and then administration if needed etc.)

Behavior Matrix