Student Council Food Bank Fundraiser
Posted on November 19 2019November Food Bank Fundraiser
November Food Bank Fundraiser
Viking School parent/ student portal will be locked Oct. 21 for teachers to enter marks/comments. It will reopen after report cards are released Nov. 4. Parent teacher Interviews bookings will open Nov.…
The Career Counsellor is back in school for the year. Her first day in Viking Sept. 11. Planning to attend post-secondary next year? Most institutions open their applications for September 2020 on October…
Wishing you all a safe and relaxing summer break. Viking School office will reopen August 26th for New student registration. First day for returning students is Sept. 3.
If you are interested in registering at Viking School, please come in and meet us to get registration forms and a tour of our school! You can visit our registration page to print off the forms and bring…
Attention all Grade 12s - Rutherford Scholarships will open in August. If you are planning to attend post secondary in the fall, you can apply once you are accepted and your final marks are available.…
Order your spirit wear online here!